Organic Gardening Benefits You Should Be Aware Of

You can enjoy the benefits of gardening without having a green thumb or being an expert. Even beginners can quickly appreciate the satisfaction of watching something that you planted grow into a healthy plant. This article will look at some of the well-known benefits of gardening as well as some that aren’t quite as well known.If you do not yet have a garden you might think about starting one because the exercise you will get is highly beneficial in many ways. You can, for example, lower your risk of osteoporosis. A condition prevalent among the older female population, osteoporosis is when bones become brittle and weak. Despite the fact that there are lots of exercises useful for improving your chances of prevention, gardening seems to be among the best because of the various types of exercise involved covering everything from flexibility, strength and aerobics due to the physical tasks you have to undertake. Symptom alleviation in the case of diabetes is another issue gardening is useful for. Eating a healthy diet, just like regular exercise, is vital to managing and preventing diabetes, which is much easier to do when you grow your own vegetables.You can use your imagination and garden in any way you would like. Certain gardens represent an image of ingenuity. When you go on the internet or check out a book on gardens; you will see some spectacular gardens.While you may not be able to match the appearance of a garden featured in a book or magazine, you can still plan it out and make it your pet project. How you arrange your garden could be what will make your experience successful or fail, along with the design you choose. As you gain experience, you’ll find that your ability to plan and design your garden becomes more sophisticated.Rebuilding your relationship with nature is a vital advantage of gardening. This is something that wasn’t an issue a hundred or more years ago, but it certainly is today. Many of us spend most of our time either at an office, or in front of some electronic device. Fresh air and plenty of sunshine are what you will enjoy when you take up the simple and natural hobby of gardening. Once you start gardening you will begin to discover the advantages to these two things, even if you never knew you missed them. As little as a few hours per week spent in your garden will help you become more grounded and improve your connection to nature, thanks to quality time spent outside.Gardening in a group setting, especially when it involves your entire community, is very worthwhile and beneficial. Whether you are dealing with a cooperative project that everyone works on or if you start a community garden, this can contribute to many people. This provides a sociable atmosphere that everyone can enjoy. Gardening is so much more fun when you do this with people with the same frame of mind and have goals similar to yours. You may have questions about gardening that more experienced gardeners can answer. The community can trade what they grow with one another. There’s something inherently social about gardening that brings people with the same interest together. You’ve probably come to see that there is much more to the benefits of gardening than you previously thought. The advantages themselves will be impacted by the sort of garden you have. For example, a vegetable or herb garden will give you benefits you can taste, whereas flowers are more for appearance. Yet no matter what kind of garden you have, there are some undeniable benefits that make this one of the most worthwhile activities you can practice.

Top 3 Reasons Small Businesses Fail at Marketing

I often speak to groups of small business owners and I keep hearing the same comment over and over again with many of them saying that marketers don’t matter or marketing doesn’t matter anymore.There are many reasons I’ve heard as to why marketing doesn’t matter: “all my business comes by referral,” “I never spent money on marketing and my business grew,” “marketing is a waste of money,” “I see no value in marketing,” “marketing is all luck so why spend money on it,” and so on.Oh, how they are so very wrong! Below are the top 3 reasons why:1. Their definition of marketing is wrongWhen business owners tell me that marketing doesn’t matter, they usually have a totally different understanding of what marketing is than those who recognise how marketing contributes to business goals where it enables you to charge the most money you can for your services and products.Marketing is first about spending time building a solid foundation based on strategy before proposing a series of tactics aimed at lifting sales. Until the business finds a way to change the context of how their ideal customer views what they do, and then becomes become the obvious choice provider, they’ll find that their marketing efforts never seem to build momentum or gain any return on investment.You must be able to enter the conversation taking place in the head of your customers. Or, to look at it in a different way, to be able to address the number one question on your customer’s mind at exactly the right time.So, how do you do this? The conversation that is taking place in every prospective customer’s mind revolves around two major points. There is a problem they have, and that they don’t want… and there is a result that they want, and they don’t have.Those who often misunderstand marketing believe that it is only about advertising campaigns, brochures, flyers, website, email marketing, SEO, tradeshows, social media, copy, etc. These are the tactics – the way you implement your marketing. I’d argue that marketing is essentially the core of business strategy because it is about understanding the current customer, tapping into their fears, their goals and their aspirations and then creating products and services that the ideal customer is willing to buy from a brand they now they know, like and trust.2. They believe either they or their co-worker can do itSometimes in the “do it all yourself” world of small business (or even big business when it comes to it), it’s difficult to identify the areas that require outside help. A business may be able to set up their newsletter, add plugins to WordPress, write a Facebook or LinkedIn post, and clumsily create header graphics, but you need somebody who is trained, practiced, and skilled at looking strategically and holistically at the marketplace, understanding the customer, and then creating unique opportunities based on this understanding.Just think about it for a minute; just because you have a calculator and excel does that mean you are an accountant? If you have a ruler, pencil and have watched some episodes of Grand Designs – does that make you an architect? If you post regularly to your friends on Facebook and Instagram – does that mean you are a social media expert?So why do small businesses believe that by buying a Mac and some software they will become a designer, marketer and communications expert?It needs to be led by a strategic marketer who can then develop an integrated marketing approach. Can you or your co-worker do this? In some cases, you can. But those who can are most likely to either come from marketing or consulting backgrounds where they have transferable skills and experience defining AND delivering against a growth strategy.If you are a small business, you need somebody who will have a very solid, process, streamlined, consistent, repeatable approach. First, they will research and learn about your company in great depth, the dynamics of the marketplace and identify shifts, trends, and changes. From there, the strategic marketer will be able to present the different elements of your marketing plan in logical order of how you should construct them, update them, or revise them; and identify the key areas you should be focusing on – be it generating leads, converting leads, increasing transactions right down to changing prices.3. They hire the wrong marketing helpThere is a huge misunderstanding around marketing strategy, marketing tactics, and marketing execution.There is a difference between being strategically capable, creatively capable and executionally capable.Small business owners don’t hire a strategic marketing coach/firm to develop creative graphics and headers; nor should you hire an advertising/graphic design agency to handle marketing strategy. A small business doesn’t need to hire a consultant or a firm who is a strong marketing executor when their biggest need is a strategy for sustainable growth. You may get more attention, but not the best results.

Traveling and Touring Through Bude, Cornwall

Another great part of experiencing classic English country towns is going out and traveling and touring through Bude, Cornwall. Sitting on the very topside at the mouth of the Cornwall peninsula, the seaside resort of Bude is a small, quaint town of approximately 9,000 people. It started its life as a harbor town, naturally enough, only later changing to the role it now plays today in Cornwall’s tourist industry.Bude has an interesting history, which included its popular use as a source of sea sand that was collected and then used to stabilize and improve various English moors. In the Victorian Era, it became a well-known stopover, and then a seaside holiday destination for most of the 20th century.The coastal scenery in the Bude area is impressive, indeed. In the 1800s, it was well-known to mariners, who were advised to steer well-clear of it treacherous reefs, which were responsible for causing the foundering of many ships. Geologically, there are cliffs in the region that are estimated to be at least 300 million years old.Bude today, is an attractive town which boasts two wide, sandy beaches that lie close to the town itself. Because of the direction in which the beaches lay (to the west) Atlantic ocean wave action is vigorous enough to attract surfers, which is a site one wouldn’t normally see in an English coastal town.Examples of early English architecture exist in and around the town, with a prime example being that of Saint Olaf’s parish church. Tourism is the main industry nowadays, with Bude Canal and its wharf being an attractive picture-taking opportunity.Cornwall itself is a notable peninsula and county of England in the United Kingdom. It has a population of around 530,000 people, and is one of the six original Celtic nations, which reach back into antiquity. Bude and the surrounding area are sure to please the desire of any tourist for picturesque seaside villages in the English countryside.